3 (sem 2/cbcs) ENG HC 2
( British Poetry and Drama : 14th to
17th centuries )
[Honours Core )
Full Marke: 80
Time 3 hours
The Figures in the margin indicute full marks
for the questions
1. Answer any ten of the following questions 1x10=10
(a ) What is the name of the fifth husband of wife of Bath?
Ans: Jankyn
(B) When did Wife of Bath's fourth husband
pass away?
(C) Name any one place of pilgrimage that Wife of Bath has been mentioned to have visited other than Canterbury.
Ans: Boulogne
(d) When was Spenser's Amoretti published?
(e) Whom does the poet forbid from
mourning in Donne's A Valediction Forbidding Mourning?
his wife, Anne,
(F) Who appears in front of Doctor Faustus in the guise of a Franciscan friar?
(g) Why does Faustus choose Necromancy as the subject of his study?
Faustus becomes dissatisfied with his studies of medicine, law, logic and theology; therefore, he decides to turn to the dangerous practice of necromancy, or magic.
(h) How does Faustian sign his pact with Lucifer?
It must be signed with Faustus' blood.
(i) Who is the first of the seven deadly sins
to appear before Faustus?
(j) Who discovers Duncan's body?
Macduff discovers King Duncan's body.
(k) Who has been mentioned as gaidens of witchcraft in Macbeth
(l) Where do the Scottish kings get crowned in Macheth?
Moot Hill at Scone PALACE
(m) Who saves Viola from the wreck in Twelfth Night?
Viola was pulled from the wreckage and rescued by the Sea Captain,
( n) How are Sur Toby and Olivia related?
Sir Toby Belch is a character in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. He is Olivia's uncle.
(o) Why does Feste call Olivia a fool ?
This is an example of Feste's awareness. He sees the foolishness of Olivia stubborn mourning for her brother when, it can be argued, he is in a better place
2.Answer any five of the following questions
(a) What kind of husbands does Wife of
Bath like?
The Wife of Bath has had five husbands. Her first husbands were rich and old; her last husbands were young and handsome. That clearly shows her plan: first get the money, then have fun. It is very hard to respect her, for the only things she longs for are money and sex,
(b) What is the source of Wife of Bath's
The Wife of Bath uses the medieval equation of women with property to her advantage in her relationships by in effect trading herself for money.
(c)Why does the speaker call the sun a busy old fool in The Sunne Rising?
Donne uses expressions such as, "Busy old fool" (line 1) and "Saucy Pedantic Wretch" [perfectionist] (line 5) to describe his annoyance with it. The speaker of the poem questions the sun's motives and yearns for the sun to go away so that he and his lover can stay in bed.
(d) Who is Beelzebub in Doctor Faustus?
(e) What does the Horse-Courser do in Doctor Faustus and what does Faustus do to him?
The horse-courser pulls on Faustus' legs, awakens him, and demands that Faustus pay him back his money. He is astounded when Faustus' entire leg comes off. He is so frightened that he promises to pay Faustus forty more dollars.
(f) What is Lady Macbeth's role in the
murder of Duncan?
Lady Macbeth plans to invite king Duncan over for dinner, but really she is convincing Macbeth to murder him. She influences him to kill Duncan because he is the only one standing in the way of Macbeth becoming king. Lady Macbeth plans the killing but convinces Macbeth to do the dirty deed.
(g) Why has it been said in Macbeth that the Birnam Wood' moved though woods
are immovable?
A prophecy Macbeth receives from three witches suggests he will remain king until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. Because trees can't move and entire forests aren't capable of relocating, Macbeth believes this to be impossible. Considering himself invincible, he rests easy
(b) What is the cause of Orsino's sadness in Act I of Twelfth Night?
Orsino is hopelessly in love with the beautiful Lady Olivia and pines away for her. He refuses to hunt and orders musicians to entertain him while he thinks about his desire for Olivia. His servant Valentine reminds him that Olivia does not return his love or even listen to the messages he sends her.
3. Write short notes : on any four of the following: 5x4=20
(a) The 'bad husbands' of Wife of Bath
(b) Donne's poetic concerns in Batter my
(c) Metaphysical conceit
(d) Role of scholars in Doctor Faustus
(e) Wagner
(f) Significance of the witches in Macbeth
(g) Banquet scene
(h) Appropriateness of the title, Twelfth night
4. Answer any four of the following questions. 10×4=40
a) Discuss the nature of relationship that Wife of Bath had with her 'good husbands.
(b) Do you think that Wife of Bath is a woman ahead of her times in terms of her thoughts and actions? Give a reasoned answer.
(c) Write an analytical note on the poetic theme(s) present in the prescribed sections of Spenser's Amoret
d) Attempt a critical appreciation of John Donne's The Sunne Risin
(e) Assess John Donne as a metaphysical poet with reference to prescribed in your syllabus. the poe
(f) What is a morality play? Do you think
that Doctor Faustus is a morality play
(g) Do you believe that Macbeth is weak for
the role that he choses to play? Give your views on it
h) Discuss the nature of Macbeth-Banque relationship and its significance in Macbet
(i) Write a detailed note on the theme of disguise and mistaken identity in Shakespeare's Twelfth Nig
(j). "A loveable rogue.
A selfish hypocrite"
Analyze the character of Sir Toby on the basis of the above statement.
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