Saturday, 6 August 2022

Jamia Milia University 2020 previous year question paper


1) Who wrote Mac Flecknoe? 

(A) Alexander Pope (B) Dryden 

(C) Milton (D) Shakespeare    Ans: (B) Dryden 

2) Which among the following is not a play by Christopher Marlowe? 

(A) Tamburlaine the Great (B) the Jew of Malta 

(C) Edward II (D) Richard III Ans (D) Richard III 

3 Who Wrote “A Modest proposal”? 

(A)  Joseph Addison (B) Jonathan Swift

 C Samuel Johnson  (D) William Collins Ans (B) Jonathan Swift

4 What does the name Astrophel connote in Philip Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella?

(A) Sun Lover (B) Star Lover

(C) Moon Lover (D) Earth lover 

5. Who is the author of Crime and Punishment? 

(A) Ivan Turgenev (B) Emile Zola 

(C) Fyodor Dostoevsky  (D) Leo Tolstoy Ans (C) Fyodor Dostoevsky 

6. The Theatre of Absurd is seminal study by 

(A) Albert Camus (B) Martin Esslin 

(C) Jean Paul Sartre (D) Samuel Becket Ans (B) Martin Esslin 


7. Which among the following is not closet drama? 

(A) Manfred (B) Prometheus Unbound

(C) Samson Agonistes (D) The Tempest   Ans (D) The Tempest 

 8. Who wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? 

(A) R.L. Stevenson (B) George Moore 

(C) Charles Dickens (D) Wilkie Collins 

Ans: A 

(9) The Golden Notebook is a novel by 

(A) Dorris Lessing    (B) William Golding 

(C) A.S Byatt    (D)   Julian Barnes

Ans A 

10. Eric Arthur Blair is commonly known as  

(A) George Orwell (B) W .H.Auden 

(C) Evelyn Waugh (D) Ezra Pound 

Ans A

11. “My Last Duchess" is a poem by 

(A) Robert Browning (B) W.B Yeats 

(C) Alfred Tennyson (D) Dylan Thomas 

Ans A 




12. In which country did Harlem Renaissance occur? 

(A)United States of America (B) South Africa 

(C) Australia (D) France

Ans A

13. Who defined Postmodern is an incredulity towards metanarrative?? 

(A) Jean-Francois Lyotard (B) Terry Eagleton 

(C) Jacques Derrida (D) Roland Barthes 


Ans A


14. Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales? ___ 

(A) Geoffrey Chaucer (B) Gower 

(C) King Arthur (D) Geoffrey of Monmouth 

15. Iago is a character in which of the Shakespeare’s plays?

(A) The Tempest (B) Othello

(C) As You Like it (D) Macbeth

16. J.M. Coetzee received his second Booker Prize in 1999 for his novel:
(A) The Life and Times of Michael K
(C) Dairy of a Bad Year
(D) Boyhood Scenes from Provincial Life  Ans B

17. Who is the protagonist of Chinua Achebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart?

(A) Okonkwo (B) Ikemefuna

(C) Ezinma (D) Mr. Brown

Ans A

18.  Andre Breton is ‘associated with which of the following movement

(A) Symbolism (B) Existentialism

(C) Surrealism (D) Dadaism

Ans C

19. Which of the following is considered to be the first Gothic novel?

(A) The Castle of Otranto (B) Dracula

(C) Frankenstein (D) Melmoth the wanderer

Ans A


20. The Buildungsroman is a novel of formation or development . Which of the

following is a Buildungsroman ?

(A) Jane Eyre (B) Hard Times

(C) Nausea(D) The Red Badge of Courage

Ans A

21. In Homer's Iliad, who is the leader of d Greek army?

(A) Agamemnon (B) Achilles

(C) Patroclus (D) Hercules

Ans:  A

22. Zeus is another name for

(A) Mephistopheles (B) Diana

(C) Jupiter (D) Poseidon

Ans C

23. Aspects of the Novel is a book by

(A) E. M. Forster (B) William Frazer

(C) Henry James (D) Charles Dickens

Ans A

24. In a literary work, allusion refers to

(A) A Pun

(B) Alliteration

(C) A false image

(D) Reference to other literary sources


Ans D

25. A literary symbol combines an image with a

(A) Picture

(B) Concept

(C) Sign

(D) Description

Ans B

26. The Rape of the Lock is an Heroic-Comical poem in five cantos dedicated to

(A) Arabella Fermor

(B) Dorothea Casaubon

(C) Elizabeth Bennett

(D) Maud Gonne

Ans A

27. Which of the following is not a play by Oscar Wilde?

(A) The Importance of Being Earnest

(B) Salome

(C) Lady Windermere's Fan

(D) She Stoops to Conquer

Ans D

28. Which of the following Indian writers is not a poet?

(A) Sarojini Naidu (B) Kamala Das

(C) Arundhati Roy (D) Arundhati Subhramanium

Ans: C

29. Which of the following is not a character out of Charles Dickens' novels?

(A) Pip (B) Ebenezer Scrooge

(C) Uriah Heep (D) Rupert Birkin

Ans D

30. All the world’s a stage. and all the men and women merely Players"’ is a quote from


(A) The Tempest (B) Romeo And Juliet

(C) All's Well that Ends Well (D) As you like it.

Ans D

31 Gabriel Garcia Marquez originally wrote in

(A) English (B) Spanish

(C) German (D) French

Ans B

32. Dove Cottage is the name of. ‘

(A) Mary Shelley’s House

(B) The flame of the Cottage where Wordsworth lived with his sister Dorothy

(C) A Poem by John Keats

(D) poem by Wordsworth

Ans B

33. Octave and Sestet are terms used to describe the components of a

(A) Ballad (B) Dirge

(C) Sonnet (D) Lullaby

Ans C

34. "The Dicing and its sequel" are episodes from the translated version of the

(A) Mahahharata (B) Ramayana

(C) Bhagvat Gita (D) Ramcharitmanas

Ans : A

35. Premchand wrote

(A) Novels

(B) Short stories and novels

(C) Drama

(D) Novels, Short stories, and non-fiction prose

Ans D

36. English August: An Indian Story is a novel by

(A)  Upamanyu Chatterjee

(B) Kiran Desai

(C) Mulk Raj Anand

(D) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

Ans A

37. King James’ Authorised version of the Bible:

(A) Is a commissioned translation in to English

(B) Was translated by John Wycliffe

(C) Was translated by Robert Lydgate

(D) Is the original Hebrew Bible

Ans A

38. Who co-authored the book Tales from the Shakespeare?

(A) Mary Lamb (B) Mary Shelley

(C) Mary Ann Evans (D) Mary Wollstonecraft

Ans A

39“But at my back I always hear/Times winged chariot hurrying near” are lines

from a poem by

(A) S.T.Coleridge  (B) Philip Larkin

(C) Andrew Marvell (D) Ted Hughes

Ans C

40. Who is the author of Joothan ?

(A) Premchand (B) Rahi Masoom Raza

(C) Krishnama Sobti (D)Om Prakash Valmiki



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 Good Morning one and all, There is a saying, "Treat others the way you wish to be treated". If you wish to be respected it is imp...