Sunday, 24 October 2021

MCQ on Indus Valley Civilization

 (Q.1) Indus Valley Civilization is called Harappan Civilization because:

  1. Harappa is the largest site
  2. Harappa has more features
  3. Harappa was the first site to be excavated
  4. Harappa was the main deity worshipped by people of the Indus Valley Civilization

Answer: (c) Harappa was the first site to be excavated

(Q.2) Indus Valley Civilization belongs to which period?

  1. Pre historical period
  2. Historical period
  3. Proto historical period
  4. Post historical period

Answer: (c) Proto historical period

** Protohistory is a period between prehistory and history during which a culture or civilization has not yet developed writing, but other cultures have already noted the existence of those pre-literate groups in their own writings.

(Q.3) The script of the Indus Valley Civilization was:

  1. Brahmi
  2. Nagri
  3. Boustrophedon
  4. None of the above

Answer: (c) Boustrophedon

Boustrophedon /ˌbuːstrəˈfiːdən/ [1] is a style of writing in which alternate lines of writing are reversed, with reversed letters. This is in contrast to lines always beginning on the same side, usually the left, as in modern European languages. Their ; language was unknown. (Show pic). The Indus Script was generally written from right to left. This is the case in most examples found, but there are some exceptions where the writing is bidirectional, which means that the direction of the writing is in one direction on one line but in the opposite direction on the next line


(Q.4) A statue of a bearded man has been found at:

  1. Harappa
  2. Kalibangan
  3. Surkotda
  4. Mohenjodaro

Answer: (d) Mohenjodaro   (show pic)

(Q.5) The credit for preliminary excavations of Harappa goes to:

  1. R D Banerjee
  2. O Stein
  3. Nani Gopal Mazumdar
  4. Daya Ram Sahni

Answer: (d) Daya Ram Sahni .

The Harappa site was first briefly excavated by Sir Alexander Cunningham in 1872-73, two decades after brick robbers carried off the visible remains of the city. He found an Indus seal of unknown origin. The first extensive excavations at Harappa were started by Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni in 1920.


(Q.6) Which one of the following sites of Indus Valley Civilization Had an ancient ‘Dockyard’?

  1. Kot Diji
  2. Banwali
  3. Lothal
  4. Mehrgarh

Answer: (c) Lothal The excavated site of Lothal is the only port-town of the Indus Valley Civilisation.   A shipyard (also called a dockyard) is a place where ships are built and repaired. The most substantial remains of the Harappan civilization have been discovered at Lothal, the oldest dockyard near the Gulf of Cambay in Gujarat. Built in 2300 BCE, the dock is a long, rectangular tank of 218 m x 37 m (715ft x 121ft) and about 16 km from its nearest seaport.

(Q.7) Which Indus Valley Civilization site is situated in current day Rajasthan?

  1. Rangpur
  2. Rakhigarhi
  3. Kalibangan
  4. Banwali

Answer: (c) Kalibangan. Kalibangan is a part of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, located in the present Hanumangarh district. The site was discovered by Luigi Pio Tessitori, an Italian Indologist and linguist. After Independence in 1952, Amlānand Ghosh identified the site as part of Harappan Civilization and marked it for excavation.

(Q.8) Indus Valley Civilization people worshipped which God?

  1. Indra
  2. Vishnu
  3. Varuna
  4. Proto-Shiva

Answer: (d) Proto-Shiva. It had been claimed to be one of the earliest depictions of the Hindu god Shiva—"Pashupati" (Lord of animals)

(Q.9) Which of the following statement about Town Planning during Indus Valley Civilization period is NOT Correct?

  1. Windows of the houses opened onto the main street
  2. The town planning was done on basis of grid system
  3. There was a well laid out underground drainage system
  4. There was a fortified citadel on the western side and a lower town on the eastern side

Answer: (a) Windows of the houses opened onto the main street.

Harappan civilization, the earliest phase of urbanization in the Indian subcontinent is renowned for town planning. Most of the cities were divided into two separate areas, the citadel, and the lower town. The citadel was mostly walled but the lower town was not walled. Moreover, houses were built around a rectangular courtyard, with doorways and windows generally facing the side lanes. The drainage system was well organized. Water flowed from houses to streets, where there were drains. Many times, they were covered with bricks as well. Harappan towns are not known for having drains built inside the walls of houses. Harappans were hygiene lovers and generally had separate bathing and toilet areas in their houses



(Q.10) Which metal has so far NOT been discovered from Indus Valley Civilization sites?

  1. Copper
  2. Iron
  3. Gold
  4. Silver

Answer: (b) Iron   copper, gold, silver

(Q.11) People of Indus Valley Civilization, usually built their houses of:

  1. Wood
  2. Stone
  3. Clay Bricks
  4. None of the above

Answer: (c) Clay Bricks

(Q.12) What is the meaning of ‘Mohenjodaro’:

  1. Mound of the Great
  2. Mound of the Survivor
  3. Mound of the Living
  4. Mound of the Dead

Answer: (d) Mound of the Dead

(Q.13) The animal picturized on most seals of the Indus Valley Civilization period is:

  1. Unicorn
  2. Lion
  3. Tiger
  4. Humped Bull

Answer: (a) Unicorn

(Q.14) Indus Valley Civilization towns were divided into large _________  shaped boxes

  1. Square
  2. Circular
  3. Rectangular
  4. Semi-Circular

Answer: (c) Rectangular

(Q.15) Which of the following is NOT known to have grown during Indus Valley Civilization?

  1. Cotton
  2. Wheat
  3. Pulses
  4. Barley

Answer: (c) Pulses

(Q.16) The famous figure of a dancing girl, found in the excavation  of Mohenjodaro was made up of:

  1. Terracotta
  2. Steatite
  3. Limestone
  4. Bronze

Answer: (d) Bronze

(Q.17) Which of the following animals was NOT known to Indus Valley Civilization people?

  1. Bull
  2. Elephant
  3. Rhino
  4. Giraffe

Answer: (d) Giraffe

(Q.18) Indus Valley Civilization seals were mostly made of:

  1. Terracotta
  2. Ivory
  3. Sandstone
  4. Steatite

Answer: (d) Steatite

(Q.19) Indus Valley Civilization people had Trade relations with:

  1. Chinese
  2. Mesopotamia
  3. Parthians
  4. Romans

Answer: (b) Mesopotamia

(Q.20) The site of Harappa is located on the bank of which River?

  1. Ravi
  2. Beas
  3. Saraswati
  4. Ghaggar

Answer: (a) Ravi

(Q.21) During Indus Valley Civilization, Copper was procured from:

  1. China
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Rome
  4. Karnataka

Answer: (b) Rajasthan

22. The Great Bath of Indus Valley Civilization is found at

A. Harappa

B. Mohenjo-Daro Ans

C. Ropar

D. Kalibangan

23. The social system of Harappans was

A) Fairly egalitarian     Ans a

B. Slave Labour based    

C. Colour Varna based

D. Caste based


24. There are Similarities between the seals found at Mohenjo Daro and

A. Egypt    

B. China    

C. Sumeria    

D. Afghanistan

Ans c

25. what was the time period  of  Indus civilization/ Harappan Civilization

A. 2400 BC - 1700 BC

B. 2500 BC - 1700 BC

C. 2400 BC - 1750 BC

D. 2500 BC - 1750 BC

Ans D


Friday, 1 October 2021

Multiple- choice Questions on Chaucer

 1. Between which sets of dates did Chaucer live?

(A) 1340-1400

(b) 1345-1400

(C) 1348-1400

 (D) 1349-1400 Ans: (A) 1340-1400                      

2. Chaucer lived during the reigns of—

(A) Edward III and Richard II

 (B) Edward III and Henry IV

(C) Richard II and Henry IV

(D) Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV.  Ans:  Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV          

3. Which of the following was the closest contemporary of Chaucer?

(A) John Gower

 (B) William Langland

 (C) Wyclif

(D) John Barbour.   Ans:  (B) William Langland

4. Who called Chaucer “the Father of English Poetry”?

(A) Sidney

(B) Spenser

(C) Dryden

(D) Arnold   Ans:

5. Who described Chaucer as “The Well of English Undefiled”?

(A) Dryden

 (B) Spenser

 (C) Pope

 (D) Sidney   Ans: B

 6. “With Chaucer is born our real poetry.” Who holds this view?

(A) Matthew Arnold

 (B) Spenser

(C) Dryden

 (D) Addison        Ans: A

7.      Chaucer found his native tongue a dialect and left it Languages? Who makes this


(A        . (A.) Richards

(B) F.R. 

 (C) Lowes

 (D) Walter Pater.   Ans: C

8.      "Chaucer is the earliest of the great moderns."  Who holds this View?


(B)Ben Jonson

 (C) T.S. Eliot

 (D) Matthew Arnold.    Ans: D

9. "if Chaucer is the Father of English Poet, he is the Grandfather of the English Novel." Who makes this remark?

(A) Walter Pater

 (B) Ruskin

 (C) G.K. Chesterton

(D) Coleridge               Ans: C

10. Who says about Chaucer’s ‘Character Here is Gad’s Plenty.”

(A) Dryden

(B) Dr. Johnson

 (C) Pope

(D) Coleridge                        Ans: A

11. In which month did Chaucer’s pilgrims go on their Pilgrimage?

(A) January

(B) February

(C) March

(D) April                     Ans:  D

12. HOW many pilgrims in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales are going on the pilgrimage?

/ (A) 27

 (B) 29

 (C) 30

(D) 31       Ans: B

13. How many pilgrims in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales represent the knighthood



(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Four.             Ans: C

14. How many ecclesiastical characters are portrayed in the Prologue?

(A) Five

 (B) Six

 (C) Seven

 (D) Eight                        Ans: D

15.     How many women characters figure in the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales?

(A) One

(B) Two

 (C) Three

 (D) Four                 Ans: C



16. It is believed that the Host at the Inn was a real man. What is the name of the Host?

(A) Henry Baily

(B) Harry Bailly

 (C) Horney Baffly

(D) Hoary Bailly                             Ans: B

17. What is the name of the Inn where the pilgrims assemble for the night?

(A) Southwark Inn

(B) Temple Inn

 (C) Tabard Inn

 (D) St. Becket Inn               Ans: C

18. To which shrine are the pilgrims going?

(A) Shrine of St.Agnes at Canterbury

(B) Shrine of St. Lucas at Jerusalem

(C) Shrine of St. Thomas a’ Becket at Canterbury

(D) Shrine of St. Mark in Southwark.               Ans: C

19, One of the Tales in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is in prose. Which of the following?

(A) The Pardoner’s Tale

 (B) The Parson’s Tale

(C) The Monk’s Tale

 (D) The Knight’s Tale                 Ans: B


20. One of the portraits in the Prologue that of the wife of Bath. What is Bath?

(A) The Christian name of the lady

(B) The surname of the lady

(C) The name of her husband

(D) The name of the town to which she belonged      Ans:   D

21. “He was as fresh as the month of May.” this line occurs in   the Prologue. Whom does this line refer to

(A) Friar

(B) Franklin

 (C) Doctor of Physic

 (D) Squire           Ans:D

22. One of the following works  is not a work of Chaucer. Which one?

(A) The House of Fame (B) The Owl and the Nightingale

(C) The Legend of Good Women (D) Romaunt of the Rose    Ans: B

23. Which of the following is Chaucer’s prose work?

(A) Troylus and Cryseyde

 (B) The Legend of Good Women

(C) Treatise on the.Astrolabe

(D) the House of Fame                 Ans: C

24. Which of the following poets wrote a famous poem mourning the death of Chaucer?

(A) Occleve in The Governail of Princes

(B) Lydgate in Falles of Princes

(C) James I of Scotland in The King’s Quair

(D) William Dunwar in The Thistle and the Rose            Ans: A

25. Chaucer was not indebted for his sources to one of the following, identify him:

(A) Homer

 (B) Virgil

 (C) Dante

  (D) Ovid                  Ans: A


 Good Morning one and all, There is a saying, "Treat others the way you wish to be treated". If you wish to be respected it is imp...