Monday, 13 January 2020

MCQ on english literature

(1) who among the following, is not an Australian writer?:
(A)Patrick White
(B) Les Murray
(C) Alice Munro
(D)Peter Carey 

Ans: c Canadian
(2)‘Which English poet was Sylvia Plath married to?:
(A) Hughes
(B) Masefield
(C) Rilke
(D) Larkin 

Ans: A
(3)The name of the central character in Things Fall Apart is:
(A) Okonkwo
(C) Adisa
(D) Barack Ans: A
(4) Sidney’S Defence of Poesie was written in response to:
(A) Poetics
(B) The Courtier
(C) The School of Abuse
(D) On the Sublime Ans: c
(5) What is the name of the storyteller of One Thousand and One Nights?:
(A) Alf Layla
(B) Noorjehan
(C) Sultana
(D) Scheherazade Ans: D
(6)Which is Charles Dickens’s first novel’?:
(A) David Copperfield
(B) The Pickwick Papers
(C) Oliver Twist
(D) Little Dorrit Ans: B
(7)Pablo Neruda belongs to:
(A) Peru
(B) Cuba
(C) Chile
(D) Argentina Ans: c

(8)The Diary of Anne Frank was originally published in: 
(A) Dutch
(B) German
(C) French
(D) English Ans: A
(9)Which book won the first Man Booker prize?:
(A) Heat and Dust
(B) Midnight’s Children
(C) The Luminaries
(D) Something to Answer  For Ans: B

 (10) Who  is the author of Around the World in Eighty Days?
A)HG Wells
(B) Jules Verne
(C) Thomas Hardy
(D) Mark Twain Ans: B
(11)which play
does “Forest of Arden” figure?:
(A) Much Ado About Nothing
(B) Richard II
(C) As You Like It
(D) Hamlet Ans: C
(12)Who wrote the book The Republic?:
(A) Aristotle
(B) Socrates
(C) Horace
(D) Plato Ans: D
(13)In Marlowe’s play, what
was the name of the Jew of Malta
(A) Shylock
(B) Barabas
(C) Solomon Ans: B
(14)The setting of the poem “The Solitary Reaper” was inspired by the poet’s stay in:
(A) Scotland
(B) France
(C) England
D) Wales Ans: A
(15)An edition of Mulk
Raj Anand’s The Untouchable carries a foreword by:
(A) Mahatma
(B) D H Lawrence
(C) Henry James
(D) E M Forster Ans: A
(16)In The Pride and Prejudice, the Bennet family lives in the village of:
(A) Pemberley
(B) Mansfield
(C) Longbourn
,(D) Brighton Ans: C
(17). Showalter begins her essay ‘Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness’ by discussing a
dialogue between
(A) Carolyn Heilbrun
and Catherine Stimpson
(B) Bell hooks and Judith Butler
(C) Virginia Woolf and Kate Millet
(D)Nancy Frazer
and Angela Davis Ans: A
(18) Which the month is the cruellest in ‘The Waste
(A) March
(B) April
(C) December
January Ans: B

(19) Which among the following, is not written by Keats?:
(A) Ode to Psyche
(B) Ode on Melancholy
(C) Ode to the West Wind
(D)Ode to a Nightingale Ans: C
(20) Who is Shock in The Rape of the Lock?:
(A) Belinda’S Dog
(B) Belinda’S Angel
(C) Belinda’S Maid
(D)Belinda's Beau Ans:A
(21)The term ‘Theatre of the Absurd’ was coined by:
(A) Martin Esslin
(B) Samuel Beckett
(C) J L Stayan
(D) John Osborne Ans:A
(22)According to Aristotle, Epic presents men:
(A) As they are
(B) Worse than they are
(C) Better than they are
(D)As they ought never to be Ans: C
(23)‘Hearing’ a colour or ‘Seeing’ a smell is an example of:
(A) Synaesthesia
(B) Oxymoron
(C) Hyperbole
(D) Assonance Ans: A
24. Aspects of the Novel is written by:
(A) David Lodge
(B) E M Forster
(C) Henry James
(D) Walter Allen Ans: B
(25)The Lay of the Last Minstrel’ is written by:
(A) Wordsworth
(B) Coleridge
(C) Walter Scott
(D)Shelley Ans: C
(26) Who  is the author the work Simulacra and Simulations?:
(A)Jean Francois Lyotard
(B)Jean Baudrillard. 
(C)Julia Kristeva
(D)Roland Barthes Ans: b
(27) What is the subtitle of the play Twelfth Night?:
(A) Or, What you Want
(B) Or, What you Think
(C) Or, What you Like
(D)Or, What you Will 

Ans: D


(28) Who is Afraid of Virginia Wolf?’ IS a:
(A) play by Edward Albee
(B) novel by Melville
(C) essays by Sylvia Plath 

(D) poem by Kamala Das Ans: A
(29) The Trotter Nama is written by:
A) Ruskin Bond
(B)Vikram Seth
(C) Amit Choudhuri (D)Allan Sealy Ans:D
(30)Saki’ is the pen name of:
(A) Somerset Maugham
(B) William Hazlitt
(C) HH Munro
(D)Robert Burns Ans: C
(31) When was Paradise Lost published?:
(B)1667 A
 (D) 1659 Ans: B

(32) Shelly's ‘Adonais’ is an elegy on the death of: (A) Donne
(B) Byron
(C) Keats
(D)Milton Ans: C
(33) Who wrote the poem ‘The Defence of Lucknow’?:
A) Tennyson
(B) Yeats
(C) Browning
(D) Swinburn Ans: A
(34)which country is Macbeth set?:
(B) Scotland
(C) Spain
(D) Germany Ans: B
(35)‘Rain races, ripping
and restless in its rage.’ This sentence is an example of a/an:
(A) oxymoron
(B) hyperbole
(C) personification
(D) alliteration Ans: D
(36)Who is the author of Piers Plowman?:
(A) Sir Thomas Malory
(B) Geoffrey of Monmouth
(C) William Langland
(D) Geoffrey Chaucer Ans: C

 (37) Who wrote: ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day/ Thou art more lovely and more
(A) Shakespeare
(B) Milton
(C) Donne
(D) Marlowe Ans: A
(38)Who wrote The Dunciad’?:
(A) Milton
(C) Dryden 

(D) Pope Ans: D
(39) In Coleridge’s poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, where were the three gallants going?:

(A) A funeral
(B) A birth ceremony
(C) To the church
(D) A wedding Ans: D
(40) Who  is credited to have written the Panchatantra?:
(A) Banabhatta
(B) Vishnu Sharma
(C) Abhinavagupta
(D) Kalidasa


Ans B


 Good Morning one and all, There is a saying, "Treat others the way you wish to be treated". If you wish to be respected it is imp...